Mother Gothel, from "Tangled". I did this costume to run around with a friend in her totally adorable Rapunzel costume. Its not often that I dress as a villain, so it was fun to run around the convention, and even more fun when people recognized who I was.
The dress is a really simple princess seamed dress, with modified sleeves. It was made with polyester shauntung (which I may have mispelled, oops) and trimmed with black velvet ribbon. The only part of this that's lined were the sleeves, because they were noticeably trimmed in the movie. The belt is just my circle belt from my SCA wardrobe. The wig was lent to me by my friend who dressed as Rapunzel.
This was just a quick and dirty job, meant more for fun that superb craftsmanship, and on that end, it was great. There are a lot of things that I would re-do, if I was going for craftsmanship, but since I'm not, it gets to stay as is. <3
I retired this after the one wear, just because that wig likes to eat my face, and because the dress is incredibly warm... also because I shrank out of it. Go figure.